Monday, February 22, 2010


Riverside isn't the prettiest city in the world. I know there are people who probably think it's the most amazing place they've ever known. But those people grew up here. Those people didn't go to UCR. Those people got into grad school. Those people have jobs. Those people are better writers than I am.

Those people don't want to be as far away from this city as they can get. Those people aren't done with this city after only four years under its choking smog and it's bad drivers. Those people don't see a weekend in San Diego or LA as a great escape, a glimpse of freedom.

I am done with this place. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be done with me. At every turn there's something else trying to thwart my timely departure. But blaming the place, the school is childish. I know this. And if any thing I know there is more I could do to get my ass out of here in a more expedient fashion.

For one I could write. And so I will. Unfortunately, I'm a lazy bum. And I need to force myself. I need to buckle down and write on the chalk board, a mantra. I will write every day.

1 comment:

  1. xD Before when I read your first post I was gunna comment about the subhead of "I will write every day." sounding like a mantra... but got too lazy. Now that I read this...too lazy to pass up.
